Sunday, December 18, 2011

Another One Bites the Dust

Another semester is now under my belt and by far was one of the most challenging ones to overcome. Mom went into the hospital on October 13, 2011. We entered hospice on the 18th for what we knew was going to be a difficult time ahead of us. Never in our wildest dreams or thoughts, were we expecting what was to come. I made a decision to email my professors on the 13th and let them know what was going on. I would not be returning to class until Mom got better. I did not want to miss a moment without her and knew she needed her side. My professors were all understanding which was a blessing. At the beginning of November, mom did not seem to be making progress so hesitantly, I emailed all my professors and asked if an incomplete was possible. Again, I was blessed with their continued understanding and was granted permission of an incomplete. Unfortunately, mom passed away on that Thursday, November 10, 2011. 

We laid her to rest on Monday, November 14, 2011. Wednesday, I was back in class and determined to be done on time this semester. All of my professors were willing to work with me and allow me to catch up on the missed assignments. Needless to say, I have NEVER written more papers, taken more quizzes, or exams in such a short period of time. However, with much support from my "media naranja" and family, I did IT!!! 

I did not get my A's like I was aiming for but all considering, I am happy with it all. I have a mini-mester coming up with 6 classes in the spring. Why you ask?! Because I am determined to graduate in June, no ifs, ands, or buts!!

In other news, I was off of work today and excited to see my Texans play. I never have Sundays off so I went and bought items to make chili. Football and chili, in my book, go hand and hand. :-) Threw everything in the crock-pot and in 4 hours was eating the most yummiest chili! Unfortunately, we did not toast to a Texan's win. :-/ 

My honey and I are off to enjoy Sunday Night Football, gym, and take some Christmas pictures later. Those will be posted later :-) GO CHARGERS!!! (not because I am a fan but because my Texans need the Ravens to lose lol)

Hope everyone has a blessed week!!! 

"So let's not get tired of going what is good. At just the right time, we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up" 
Galatians 6:9

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